by Admin | Nov 5, 2021 | Parsha
Parshat Toldot 5782 DELAYED GRATIFICATION Imagine answering a knock on the door one afternoon, to a neighbour offering you $1000 for the beaten-up old vase on your front hall table. It’s a no-brainer; you’d take the money in a flash and slam the door on him...
by Admin | Oct 29, 2021 | Parsha
Parshat Chayei Sarah 5782 – in a nutshell (reprinted from with permission) Sarah dies at age 127 and is buried in the Machpelah Cave in Hebron, which Abraham purchases from Ephron the Hittite for four...
by Admin | Oct 27, 2021 | Chassidus - Kabbalah
This guy changed my life – today’s his birthday. When I wrote in the subject line that this man changed my life I wasn’t exaggerating. His name is Rabbi Shalom Ber Schneersohn and he was born on this day in 1860 (and passed in 1920). Until I...
by Admin | Oct 22, 2021 | Parsha
Parshat Vayeira 5782 G‑d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after the first Jew’s circumcision at age ninety-nine; but Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear in the desert heat. One of the three—who are angels disguised as men—announces...
by Admin | Oct 15, 2021 | Parsha
Lech-Lecha 5782 The portion of Lech-Lecha introduces us fully to Abraham and Sarah – the couple responsible for announcing monotheism to the world. It was they who reintroduced the one and only G-d to a society who had expunged Him. Where civilisation had...
by Admin | Oct 8, 2021 | Parsha
Parshat Noach Earlier this week, we all panicked while living a few hours without WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. During this strange time, I realized something: I am just like Noah! For an entire year, Noah was in the ark. One must assume that he didn’t have...